Bamboo Toilet Paper: Myths and Facts

Bamboo Toilet Paper: Myths and Facts

Separating speculation from certainty to help you make an informed choice

Making the switch to a new product, especially one as personal as toilet paper, can come with some trepidation. One of the biggest issues is the lack of education and information about eco-friendly alternatives. 

Consumers can become susceptible to myths surrounding products; it can take some effort and a little research to choose what's right for you and the environment.

ecoHiny is here, busting seven common misconceptions about bringing bamboo into your bathroom. We've done the work so you can wipe in good conscience!

Myth #1: Making Bamboo Toilet Paper Still Requires Trees

We're so used to paper products manufactured from virgin hardwood and softwood trees we often assume that any toilet paper must include tree pulp.

The other bogus belief is that bamboo is a tree. Although it shares similar physical characteristics (tall, brown stalk, green leaves), bamboo is anything but!

Fact: Our Toilet Paper is 100% Tree-Free

Bamboo toilet paper is tree-free because it is made from a fast-growing grass. That's right; bamboo is not a tree at all and is actually considered a highly sustainable, hearty species of grass.

This leads to several other positives (besides making ecoHiny entirely tree-free)

  • Harvesting bamboo does not disturb soil ecosystems 
  • Bamboo does not require replanting; it grows from its existing root systems (Think mowing your lawn.)
  • Growing a healthy bamboo forest requires zero pesticides or fertilizers

While we're at it, here are a few other bonus features of bamboo:

  • It releases more oxygen than a hardwood tree stand of similar size
  • Some species can grow several feet in a day
  • It takes significantly less water for bamboo to reach full maturity

Myth #2: Harvesting Bamboo for Toilet Paper Disturbs Panda Habitats

The consumption of bamboo is a crucial aspect of a panda's diet. It provides the necessary nutrients and energy required for their survival. Pandas are known to have a selective feeding habit, with bamboo being their preferred food source due to its high nutritional value. 

In their natural habitat, bamboo is readily available and abundant, making it an easily accessible and reliable food source for pandas.

Fact: Pandas' Preferred Meals are Preserved 

Our bamboo is harvested from forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. One of the FSC's guiding principles stipulates that forest management must preserve biological diversity and maintain the ecological functions of the forest. The species of bamboo used for toilet paper production is NOT one that is consumed by pandas.

Essentially, panda food sources are off-limits when it comes to harvesting for ecoHiny!

Myth #3: Bamboo Toilet Paper Doesn't Make Much Difference for the Environment

Another issue that keeps consumers from making the change is feeling like it won't really do much to impact our planet. Sometimes, we don't give small switches enough credit!

Fact: Bamboo Toilet Paper is Battling Deforestation and Provides Many Other Perks for Our Planet

Bamboo toilet paper keeps trees in the ground. Because the traditional toilet paper industry is responsible for 10% of global deforestation, finding another option is critical.

Buying bamboo also means:

  • Less water waste 
  • No harsh chemicals 
  • Zero dyes and fragrances
  • 100% biodegradable

Myth #4: Bamboo Toilet Paper is Flimsy and Likely to Fail

Sometimes, eco-friendly brands expect you to sacrifice; you have to give up one thing to get another. Even though you want to be an eco-conscious consumer, you aren't excited about saying goodbye to what you know works.

If you've tried inferior options in the past, you may easily dismiss ecoHiny bamboo toilet paper as another product prone to poor performance. Let us put your mind at ease!

Fact: Bamboo Fibers are Super Strong

Bamboo is known for its strength because of its unique structure. The fibers in bamboo are long and continuous, making it incredibly durable and able to withstand high stress levels.

Bamboo boasts exceptional tensile strength, a measure that rates the strength of all materials based on how much pressure it can withstand before bending or breaking. Bamboo actually beats steel when it comes to tensile strength!

The same fibers that make bamboo one of the strongest substances on the planet exist in each roll of ecoHiny bamboo toilet paper. 

Bamboo Toilet Paper: Myths and Facts

Myth #5: Bamboo Toilet Paper Isn't Soft

You may be thinking, if it's so strong, it must be scratchy. It might make sense to believe if those fibers are that tough, the wiping experience will be rough. Interestingly, it's those same fibers that make bamboo toilet paper exceptionally soft.

Fact: Bamboo Toilet Paper is Just as Tender as it is Tough

The naturally long and flexible bamboo fibers allow for more softness than traditional toilet paper. Because they're flexible and pliable, they translate into a quite comfortable paper product.

ecoHiny bamboo toilet paper is made with more pulp than regular toilet paper, and we also use a process called air-laid during manufacturing. Both of these add to a smoother, softer surface.

Our paper is also three-ply, which means you have an optimal number of layers to create extra comfort and absorbency.

Myth #6: Bamboo Toilet Paper Can't Be Flushed

A concern for your plumbing is understandable. The cost of a clog catastrophe could be astronomical, and no one wants the added inconvenience of a separate disposal method.

Fact: Bamboo Toilet Paper is Safe for Any System

Bamboo toilet paper breaks down and dissolves easily. Bamboo paper is 100% biodegradable, taking only weeks to fully decompose compared to years for most traditional toilet paper.

Because it contains no additives, it disintegrates much faster than wood pulp varieties of paper. Whatever pipe, sewer, or septic system you may have, bamboo won't cause clogs or interfere with flow.

Travel trailer? Motorhome? Living that van life? You can use bamboo in those systems as well as in alternative toilets!

Myth#7: Bamboo Toilet Paper is the Same as Other Eco-Friendly Alternatives

While recycled toilet paper does propose an advantage over the traditional stuff, it won't make the environmental impact of a fully sustainable, renewable product with an eco-friendly manufacturing process. 

It just doesn't compare to all the benefits of bamboo.

Bamboo Toilet Paper: Myths and Facts

Fact: Bamboo Toilet Paper is Better

The sustainability superpower of bamboo is truly better than any other option, and every roll you buy helps us battle harmful deforestation. Recycled paper does help prevent new trees from harm, but it still contains material derived from trees.

Additionally, recycled toilet paper requires a mixture of chemicals to create its paper consistency. Add that to the fact that many brands use a bleaching process and don't tend to have the perfect soft and strong combo you get from bamboo.

Now You Know

If any of these bamboo toilet paper myths have stopped you from switching, they'll be your roadblock no more.

The fact is, bamboo toilet paper from ecoHiny is your best bet!

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